The prestigious Swansea & District Law Society, which was formed in 1879 to support solicitors in the Swansea area, has appointed a president – Adrian Morley, a partner here at Hutchinson Thomas. Adrian took…
Changes to wills could be made by voicemail
You don’t need to have seen a headline about the latest high profile will dispute to know that challenges are often made around a deceased person’s estate – most of us know someone who has…
Our partners’ secret rugby talents
Find out how four of the partners here at Hutchinson Thomas play a crucial role in global rugby matches, using their legal skills of balance and probability at rugby disciplinary hearings. All is revealed here…
Important Update on Employment Tribunal
On Wednesday last week, the Supreme Court ruled that the requirement to pay fees to bring claims in the Employment Tribunal was unlawful and in effect a denial of the access to justice. Following this,…